Snacking in Shanghai!


  1. Christy says

    Shanghai, yeah…tons of food and people eating everywhere!!
    Really everywhere!! Crazier than what we have here =P
    I know that BIG food store too, have almost everything ya!!! =)

  2. worldwindows says

    That was a nice walk you had. Did get to walk around the last I was there for a conference. Only get to go to the touristy places. I like to go where the common folks are.

  3. Pureglutton says Yes, i luv visiting the real living places of the locals whenever i travel, whenever possible.

  4. thenomadGourmand says

    tht's my kind of trip! makan and jalan!
    i think i'll luv shanghai! all tht pancake & tau fu fa..yu tioa nad glutinous rice fav!

  5. Life for Beginners says

    Good gosh, that all looks so good… You can't beat the Chinese for creativity with food, can you? Imagine rolling up you tiao in glutinous rice – sounds very the tasty! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Precious Pea says

    Nothing beats exploring a foreign place on your own! Nice post…makes me wanna visit Shanghai soon.

  7. PureGlutton says

    P.Pea: Yeah, Shanghai is worth visiting for the amazing food they have! What i tried was merely a small fraction of their variety!

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