RM1 Chicken @ Canton-i


  1. foodbin says

    we were there at 8.45 pm the other night, disappointed wqhen told that the Rm1 chicken was sold out-only 100 birds /night.

  2. Precious Pea says

    The last time i went, they served me semi-raw roasted goose and the waitress initially insist that it is cooked when you can clearly see pinkish flesh and blood in the bones!

  3. PureGlutton says

    P.Pea: Hmm..yeah, service there can be rather erratic. I wanted to try their goose the other day, but it was sold out.

  4. minchow says

    Haha, I like that it's 128 steps fr yr office… nothing like knowing it's within step-counting distance to make it worth yr while! Fish maw dumpling looks yumm… the chicken, not so much ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. babe_kl says

    LOL you actually counted the steps??? i really salute you!

    btw you noticed their rice rolls also shrunk tremendously?

  6. mimid3vils says

    last year I had a whole bird for this RM 1 Chicken promotion which was quite big in size ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. HairyBerry says

    is this the "mou zhau gai" promotion? i've heard and read so much about it! ;D

    try the carp ball porridge next time. it's quite nice. ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. PureGlutton says

    Babe KL: You know how mindless & random i can be, LOL! I think, besides rice rolls, some other portions have shrunk too.

  9. PureGlutton says

    mimi: I guess compared to last year, price of chicken had risen, hence the smaller birds this time round!

  10. PureGlutton says

    HairyBerry: Must be the same chicken promo, i guess!
    Hmm… i always go for the Porkballs porridge. Carpballs is a whole new ballgame to me!

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