Yes, I got my new fridge delivered last Friday! A cool Hitachi!
It has ample freezer space – the entire left side, wahahaha! At the moment, it looks kinda empty, eh! Time to buy more ice-cream!
Sugar Beansays
Hehe, new fridge means more space to store delicious food! Good thing! It was empty at first, then it'll get filled up easily (at least that's what happened to me) haha!
Hehe, new fridge means more space to store delicious food! Good thing! It was empty at first, then it'll get filled up easily (at least that's what happened to me) haha!
my house can't fit your frigde…not enough space. Wait till I upgrade my house 🙂 but that will be n-years from now!
ahhh, i remember hearing of a new fridge when we visited your house. yupe, we can never have enough of cool things like these! 😀
SugarBean: You are soo right – it's filling up fast!
Leo: It can be quicker than u think 🙂
Nic: Hmmm…did we talk abt fridge then? Hehe, i had to replace the old one which decided to die on me one fine morning.
wahhh i like this… BIG!!! dun worry you'll fill it up in no time kekeke
babe_kl: you are right – it's filling up fast! lol