My little Moonies


  1. gfad says

    Sooo sweet and pretty! Texture-wise, how is it? Chewy-ish? Or soft? I saw some recipes that contains milk, and some even require the dough to be steaming. Is yours the basic recipe where you just add sugar, shortening, etc to the koh fun?

    How do you get the coloring from beetroot? The color is really natural and nice.

    If you really want to go into mooncake, you should get those plunger-type mould. The pattern comes out really sharp and nice. Can use for angkoo also.. πŸ˜€

  2. Sean says

    beetroot-colored mooncakes sound interesting! though i assume there's not enough beetroot used to give it a beetroot flavor πŸ˜€
    now howzabout caramel-&-nougat mooncakes πŸ˜€

  3. PureGlutton says

    gfad: Ya I used the basic recipe for this 1st-time attempt – dare not be too adventurous! I steamed the beetroot, blend it into a paste, which can be kept in fridge for some time. For this mooncake recipe, i used abt 1 tsp of the paste, mix with 200ml water, strain it be4 adding into the dough! A little goes a long way, beetroot colour is really keng! Pls teach me how to use the plunger-type moulds, dunno how they work! Can google/youtube hoh?

  4. PureGlutton says

    Sean: Nahh, the amount of beetroot i used was merely 1 tsp – cant taste the flavour really – i just wanted the colour!
    OK OK, maybe caramel + nougat may work for moonies, LOL! (u dont give up, do u?! :P)

  5. Pureglutton says

    Baby Sumo: Thks for dropping by. Took me a couple hrs to make these, hehe – no cooking required! Just pop them into the fridge.

  6. Precious Pea says

    It has been a while since i last had Ping Pei mooncake. I remember i love it straight out from the fridge. Wish I could have some now. I love lots of melon seeds too.

  7. iamthewitch says

    Amazing work for a first-timer! You mentioned no cooking involved? How about the filling? You used ready-made ones? Also, can I please have one piece?? πŸ™‚

  8. PureGlutton says

    Witch: Thanks πŸ™‚
    Yep, no cooking involved – just pop them into the fridge after u hv made them!
    Of coz u can hv a piece – in fact, u can hv more than 1 pc! πŸ˜€

  9. PureGlutton says

    Xara: Gurl, not sure if these can get past yr sticky US Customs, hehe! Will keep some in the freezer for u until yr next visit here la, LOL!

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