My little Greek adventure


  1. thule a.k.a leo says

    looking at the Acropolis gave me an urge to drop everything and go straight for holiday ๐Ÿ™

  2. PureGlutton says

    Unka: I was so tempted to buy the hams, bacons and sausages lahh… but then it was enroute to Abu Dhabi from Athens, so no point lor :-S

  3. Christy says

    Ooooohhh, I missed vacation and Europe! Greece is definitely a lovely place, right?
    Food wise,hehehe, may not be that suitable for me…and I do agree, most of the food in Europe seems to come in large sizes (cakes, tarts, etc) and also rather oily, don't you think? =P

  4. Nic (KHKL) says

    Lovely food! With all that's going on in Europe, hopefully Greece will recover soon. I'm really interested in Greece but because the flight fare is similar to those heading central Europe albeit the shorter distance, I always choose the more 'worthwhile' flight instead. I'm so kiasu hor? Lol!

  5. thenomadGourmand says

    Oh my! such a beautiful plc!
    Hmm.. tis plc we have tried in Changkat BB – Giovino seems quite authentic based on your pic & desc of the food!
    cos we also had the spinach filo..prok chops etc.

    Yes the sugar stuffs.. i love desserts but it did looked like its diabetically sweet!

  6. qwazymonkey says

    OOoh wow. Sounds like a nice holiday and pics are lovely. Esp the guy who's grilling the pork chop. So meaty. LOL

  7. reanaclaire says

    wah…really long overdue la!! but better late than never, otherwise i cannot see what greek looks like! ๐Ÿ™‚
    btw, did u all manage to wallop all those food? the sweet desserts? how did they taste like?

  8. CUMI & CIKI says

    amazing post! i really like the cute symmetry of the fish! i like the gory piggy.. but most of all .. i like the Greek food! great job:D

  9. PureGlutton says

    Christy: Oh yes, their food portions are huge and very heavily flavoured – too salty, too sweet, oily etc LOL! Will really bust your diet!

  10. PureGlutton says

    Nic: I understand what u mean – we always wanna get the maximum mileage for whatever we pay! But Greece is lovely, with all their ancient sites and history.

  11. PureGlutton says

    QwazyM: Yeah, he's so buff hoh? Enjoyed looking at him more than eating the super-salty pork chops, lol!

  12. PureGlutton says

    Claire: Yeah, those were pics of the food we ate, over a period of 8 days lah – not all in one meal, OMG! The sweet desserts were extremely sweet :-))

  13. PureGlutton says

    Ciki: Thanks, great that u like the post & pics. Yep, those fishmongers really did spend a lot of time & efforts arranging their products so artistically!

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