Contrary to popular belief, cooking Bak Kut Teh is really a very simple thing. It is an easy one-pot-of-goodness which you can do at home with the minimum of fuss. Loosely translated, it means “Meat Ribs Tea”… a herbal soupy concoction of meats.
All you need is packet of the Bak Kut Teh herbs – there are many brands available in the market. The taste may vary from brand to brand, from mild to the very pungent.
There are instructions on the packet as to how much meat and water to use – PabloPabla’s Bak Kut Teh recipe gives you all the details as well.
Based on his recipe, I used:
1 packet BKT Herbs
1 kg of pork ribs + knuckles + stomach
1 whole bulb of garlic – crushed
A handful of chinese wolfberries
Black soya sauce (to darken the soup), salt, pepper, soya sauce to taste
Ingredients that you can add in:
Mushrooms (all kinds), taupok (beancurd puff), fried fuchook (beancurd skin) and lettuce (of you’re too lazy to cook a separate vege dish)
Method – all explicitly explained in Pablo’s recipe!
Serve your Bak Kut Teh with some Fragrant Onion Rice…. before cooking the rice, fry some sliced shallots in some oil and use this oil to cook together with your rice. Just before serving, sprinkle some of the fried shallots on your rice…
And don’t forget your chilli padi+soya sauce dip!
Bak Kut Teh with fragrant rice is the perfect thing to serve on cold wet rainy days… hehe, that’s why I cooked this 2 days ago for our dinner. It’s very delicious and stomach-warming!
I’d like to enter this for Hochiak! Delicious Asian Food’s “$100 up for Grabs” contest. Check it out for more details! If you’re thinking of participating, do hurry as the deadline is drawing very near :-))
wowow.. looks delicious !!!
must eat with yu char kuay. π
Wah! Champion lah you! 3 entries π
But then hor, it’s not PabloPabla’s Bak Kut Teh. People might think it is my own concoction. Just Bak Kut Teh would do π
looks good! and i see some pork trotters! *salivating*
no yau char kway? ;D
jin hooi: thanks! π
pablo: dun say i never support fellow floggers’ initiatives hahh… more so from a sifu, hehe!
Your recipe detailed the ingredients and method, so due credit must surely be given mah π
nic: yeah, trotters r gooddd for BKT, haha! Oh, u another yau chay kway fan? Couldn’t get that at the time i cooked this ler…
i have sent out emails to all my kakis to support this and you will get their votes
3 entries. How am i gonna fight? Jialat. Triple effort. I bow deep-deep to u. π
Tummythoz: Haiya, entered just for the fun of it lah… i happened to be cooking those dishes anyway, so decided to snap some pics and post lah! More entries do not necessarily win leh…