Driven by passion and a great love for food, Sim Hon Sing decided to quit the corporate world and succumbed to his dream of living a culinary lifestyle fulltime. Together with his lovely wife, Magarita, both of them have opened up their gorgeous house to welcome guests who wish to experience private dining on a personal level. A self-taught chef, Hon Sing was introduced to the world of cooking by none other than his mother. As a kid, he used to love watching and helping his mother cook up … [Read more...]
Private Kitchen – Ding Ding Grilled Fish Steamboat
I love steamboats, of any kind – be it the Japanese-styled shabu-shabu, our local Malaysian style or the more refined Hong Kong style. Then along came this “Ding Ding” style from Private Kitchen and I was intrigued. I mean, it sounds so cute and catchy… ding ding? So, off I traipsed to Private Kitchen in SS2 on one rainy Thursday and realised that Thursday is not a good day to be in that part of SS2 due to the weekly pasar malam. But since I was already there, it was a good opportunity to … [Read more...]
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