Time flies


  1. qwazymonkey says

    Now that's the life eh? Enjoy it while it last before 2011 kicks in and we go through the same crazy cycle again.

    Happy new year!

  2. UnkaLeong says

    Kick off your shoes and enjoy the rest of your time off ๐Ÿ˜‰ Happy New Year to you and your family! Oh Yar, speaking of family…mine would like to order some fruit cakes from you if they are available for sale =D

  3. J says

    Yeah time really flies! And 2010 felt particularly fast….

    Hope u had a good year and will have a fantastic new year. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Life for Beginners says

    Oh la la. You have the life (during your leave week lah) that I want… massages, cooking, baking, makan with friends, relaxing…

    Now if only we can do this 100% of the time hor? ๐Ÿ™‚

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I am so glad to have finally met you this year and shared so much joy with you as well. Also, you will always be my #1 Angkoo Sifu! (well, my only angkoo sifu but who's counting, haha)

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