That Famous "Klang Thong Yuen" in Pin Chou


  1. Sean says

    yeah, in my line of work, i wouldn't be able to survive without google either! it's saved my life countless times 😀
    the chicken for the chicken rice actually LOOKS tasty. seems tender and juicy =)

  2. J says

    So much good food…. whether you start with dessert and end up with mains or the other way around – Yums! 🙂

    (Hey… when are we doing the Klang food road trip? :P)

  3. reanaclaire says

    not only LL, i also wanna go la.. i love tong yuen one.. hey, when i go kl next time, take me there, can? 🙂

  4. thule a.k.a leo says

    yeah… if Klang is not that far from PJ, I'd go down for a bow of tong yuen anytime. I remember watching Jason's show introducing this stall..

  5. PureGlutton says

    Bangsar-babe: Welcome back!
    I like mine without milk, haha! The mua chee was good, with the coconut!

  6. PureGlutton says

    Leo: Klang is actually not that far from PJ la 😉 esp with your super car, can just zoom down there!

  7. Simon Neo says

    Dear Chris,

    You are wellcome.
    Thank you for the lovely post.
    The people at Pin Chou and me love it.
    Will intro nice places for you in future if i found any.
    Thank you very much.


  8. Pureglutton says

    Jason: Oh, was it featured there? I must check it up! Well, this is a well-known thong yuen, after all 😉

  9. J2Kfm says

    Great find this one. And nice layout, though it makes scrolling through the page slightly delayed.

    Never knew that Klang has a famous tong yuen stall, but that same bowl of tong yuen reminded me of a very recent experience here in Ipoh. Same dark-coloured soup with heavy gingery flavour, and chewy balls with black sesame fillings.

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