Sambal Hijau – Delicious Kampung Cuisine @ Kg Penchala


  1. fatboybakes says

    wow, i guess if you are lazy to COOK like rohani, you can at least get this feast…. looks yummy

  2. Lyrical Lemongrass says

    Wow, thanks for the writeup. Now to figure out how i can skive off work to go there to eat!

  3. ck lam says

    Wow…plenty of dishes especially the interesting kerabu pucuk paku and the sambal hijau 🙂

  4. PureGlutton says

    QMonkey: Actually i dah pergi a few times even before that conversation with Rohani! I know this place quite well.

  5. PureGlutton says

    Jason: I have updated this post with some directions on how to get to this place. Hope that helps 🙂
    Otherwise we have to organise a makan trip there, hehe!

  6. sc says

    i've heard so much about this place, so i guess it's really worth going! mind blowing array of malay dishes..yum yum yums!

  7. PureGlutton says

    sc: Yeah, the selection is so varied that you can be pening, trying to decide which dishes to go for!

  8. J2Kfm says

    Good … I am seeking for good and authentic Malay food after all the Chinese/Western food I've been downing.

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