Nam Fatt Ipoh for good "Liews"!


  1. J2Kfm says

    No doubt one of the BEST in Ipoh. Some complained that they're too expensive, but their 'liew' is only about 60-80 cents each.
    I would say reasonable, given the free wifi and air-conditioned seating.

  2. J says

    Reading your post made me think about the old "peeeee poh" hawker that used to come to my housing area in PJ – I miss the excitement of hearing him and rushing out with an empty bowl! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. CUMI & CIKI says

    no THAT'S what I'm talking about. That is what i call.. a bowl of curry laksa! i am so damn hungry rite now, am chewing the table.. ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. foodbin says

    the hor fun in Ipoh are real smooth-love it! and the sar kok liew taste the best if you savor it slowly.

  5. jason says

    Yeah, sar kok liew is truly a Ipoh delicacy! Never seen it anywhere in KL nor PJ.

    Your first and second paragraphs made my day!

  6. PureGlutton says

    J2Kfm: You are right – it is reasonable when u consider the clean and aircond environment plus the wide variety on their menu.

  7. PureGlutton says

    Foodbin: Yes, it's all in the water… smoother horfun, fatter taugeh, softer taufu :-))
    Oh yes, i just love the sar kot liew!

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