My Pineapple Tarts


  1. Sean says

    oooh, looks like an interesting personalized version! and it’s great to see that you’re not stingy with the pineapple jam, heheh! πŸ˜€

  2. Xara says

    only hv a handful of tarts left from the 2 jars u sent so guess i didn’t really like them that much πŸ™‚ …after seeing the ‘sunflower’ version on FB, maybe u can send me some more. call Meg!! thanks gurl, u da BEST!!

  3. Xara says

    Did i tell you the 2nd batch lasted 1.5 weeks – and that’s only cos Meg was here & i was too busy entertaining her for a few days!! Love your pineapple tarts; well OK love you too πŸ™‚
    BTW the shanghai mooncakes go really well with my black coffee in the mornings; at least for the few mornings they lasted. XOXO

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