Mee Rebus & Angkoo Kuih at home


  1. Sean says

    Angkoo kuih! The last time I had that was in the 1990s, back when I was still a kid in malacca. Back then, I didn't even know the name for mungbean!
    Pork bone mee rebus? Now that's something we wouldn't be able to buy at at the Ramadan bazaars! πŸ˜€
    Here's wishing u more leisurely weekends to spend happily cooking!

  2. J says

    Oh my goodness… the angkoo look absolutely beautiful! …almost likie gleaming gems… πŸ˜€

    (mmmm. and porky Mee rebus sounds divine….)

  3. UnkaLeong says

    The angkoo glows! I kid you not!!!

    On a separate note, we recently went by SS15 to look for a Mee Rebus I used to have growing up. We found it! It's still decent πŸ™‚ Text me if you want directions πŸ˜‰

  4. qwazymonkey says

    Fuiyoh! Rajin nya. Your angkoo got viagra is it? Hehehe. But looks lovely and well stuffed. Ur so talented lah. Congrats!

  5. PureGlutton says

    Qwazy: Hmmm… viagra won't be good for angkoos – they'd be too stiff – i just need them to be firm and perky πŸ˜› (geee, does that sound right?!) LOL!
    Thanks for your compliments πŸ™‚

  6. Life for Beginners says

    Hope your mom is better now after her surgery. πŸ™‚

    As for your homemade mee rebus and angkoo kuih, the pictures have certainly got my tummy growling! You are such a talented cook, dear!

  7. babe_kl says

    your angkoo looks like jewel glistening under the lighting! lucky I dun yearn for kuih-muih very much otherwise, I would have ask you for the recipe :p

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