Matsusaka Bliss @ Chef Choi


  1. boo_licious says

    Yummy! Am licking my lips thinking of the beef and the wonderful old-school Cherries Jubilee dessert. Lovely pictures Chris. Everything makes me wanna lick the screen.

  2. Sean says

    Matsusaka beef!!! I’ve only managed to have that a couple of times in my life, but only at Japanese outlets, never at Chinese ones. Looks really good, I wonder if it’s available at chef choi all year round πŸ˜€

    • Pureglutton says

      It’s really to-die-for, right? Hmm… I don’t think it’s available all the time at the restaurant – you have to call to ask πŸ˜‰

  3. ciki says

    so i guess u got down on your knees, kissed the floor and worshipped the bovine eh? hehe. GORGEOUS SHOTS you horrible woman.. make me so jealousssss πŸ˜›

  4. Marian Eu says

    From the Matsusaka to the Cherry Jubilee — it was all so divine! Your gorgeous pictures make me want to have them again. Cherry Jubilee brings me back to the days of old-fashioned fine dining.

  5. J2Kfm says

    Hi there, first up, GREAT idea to move here; albeit from a very different circumstance. Chef Choi’s indeed a mark above the rest in terms of lavish Chinese dining.

    I have had basmati rice for claypot chicken rice once, but in Singapore and the grains actually worked wonders.

  6. val brown says

    After looking at all these pictures, i had to go make myself at least something to eat and am sitting with it here in my lap. only the black wormy looking noodles can shut my appetite down now. and they are probably delicious…

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