

  1. thule a.k.a leo says

    seen this place so many times but never bother going in… most of the time having breakfast in Kluang Station just directly opposite ๐Ÿ™‚
    since it has ur stamp of approval… will try it soon

  2. Wilson Ng says

    The food was average when they opened. But now I heard it has improved tremendously. My friends shared good review about this place lately also.

  3. 550ml jar of faith says

    Oh great post! Lately I've had some faith restored towards mall food… seems like these guys are picking up their game!

  4. UnkaLeong says

    You can get Ipoh chee Cheong Fun next to MJ's cafe in SS2. the aunty get's her CCF fresh everyday with the mail train! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. PureGlutton says

    Wilson: Hmmm… i didnt know they were bad last time. But glad they have improved – can see the crowds there now!

  6. UnkaLeong says

    On the same row of shops as the Maybank, but on the other end..It's the corner shop lot facing the entrance to the Wai Sek Kai ๐Ÿ™‚

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