Kluang Station
LG-337 New Wing
1 Utama Shopping Mall
Bandar Utama
Petaling Jaya
There are only a few “upmarket” kopitiams that I really like, around the Klang Valley. The Kluang Station kopitiams, which sprouted from the original dilapidated kopitiam in Kluang are a far cry from the parent. The Kluang Stations around here are housed mainly in shopping malls.
I like Kluang Station mainly for their Iced Kopi. The local brew is really “khau” enough, not too sweet and tastes absolutely refreshingly stimulating!
Their Toast with Kaya is so-so only. But since I absolutely must have roti to go with my kopi, even this mediocre toast will have to do lah… Although the kaya looked drippingly yummy in this photo, I’m afraid I can’t really say much about the taste…it was forgettable…And then their Half-Boiled Eggs…well, they’re just eggs. I didn’t order this…someone else did…as I don’t take half-boiled eggs, haha!
I did order their Mee Siam though. Another mediocre item…have this only if you’re ravenous (like I was when I ordered this!). It’s quite bland and you can see the 3 shrimps were kinda boiled separately and used to top-up the dish only…
The Fried Indian Bread (i think it was puris) with Lamb Masala took a very long time to serve – do not order this if you are in a hurry! When it finally came, I thought the portion or rather, dollop of lamb masala was quite miserable, as was the dollop of dhall dalcha.
OK…let’s just go for Kopi at Kluang Station only…hahaha!