Prawn Noodles, or Hae Mee (in Hokkien) is a favourite Malaysian hawker item.
The broth is made from boiling meat (chicken or pork) and prawns together with blended spices like shallots, garlic, chillies, belacan, kunyit and lemongrass.
We had this last Sunday – LL loved it so much he practically ate it throughout the whole day!
The blanched noodles – yellow noodles and beehoon, are topped with a variety of condiments before pouring over the prawn broth…
The sambal is a “must”… and I made mine with blended dried chillies, shallots, belachan, dried shrimps and lime juice…
Sliced boiled eggs add color and some protein content, hehe …
Fried shallots is another “must” – adds flavour and fragrance to your noodles…
You can see we also had sliced pork and fishcakes… yummy!
Christy says
Oooohhhh, home cooked are always the best, you can always add as much ingredient as you please:D
Precious Pea says
OOo..yummy! I think i have saved enuff prawn shells in my freezer to make this again. Mind sharing your sambal recipe?
PureGlutton says
christy: yeah, u are right – can have lots of “liu” with the noodles – just add whatever u fancy!
PureGlutton says
Pea: Wow…u actually “save up” your prawn shells in the freezer eh?! Sure, I’ll do a post on the sambal later 🙂
CUMI & CIKI says
wow.. can see you put so much lio! homemade is the best eh? i also agree with you good sambal is essential. I hate it when the spoil har mee with lousy sambal!
ck lam says
I heard that there is a lot of work involve in boiling the soup, is it?
Your bowl of noodles has so much liu …
PureGlutton says
ciki: ya, a lot of m’sian dishes depend on the chillies/sambal eg chicken rice, curry laksa and of coz prawn noodles! I always make sure my sambal has enough “oomphh”!
PureGlutton says
ck lam: No lah, not that much work – u just blend the spices/ingredients into a paste and boil! Ya, that’s the beauty of home-cooked dishes – u can put in as much “liu” as u like!