Champagne Brunch at Prego, Westin KL


  1. Sean says

    yeah, this brunch is a lot of fun! my only complaint: the hours are not enough! 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. would be nice, heheh πŸ˜€

  2. J says

    Naik harga again? πŸ™
    … but I guess with such a great spread of delicious food and free flow bubbly, its still worth it as a once in a while** treat. πŸ™‚
    (** Or more often if you have a fat wallet! I wish I did… )

  3. PureGlutton says

    Sean & TNG: Hmmm…yeah, that's a brilliant proposal – all hotels serving brunch should adopt those hours!

  4. PureGlutton says

    J: Yeah, it seems that price they're charging is merely for a bottle of the bubbly. So if you can consume at least 1 bottle during the brunch, you already "untung", LOL!

  5. naveen says


    Warm Greetings from Prego.

    Thank you for sharing your pleasant experience with us.

    We are delighted to hear of your experience.

    We had a wonderful time having you around and look forward to seeing you back soon.

    Best Wishes Naveen,
    Restaurant Prego Manager

  6. iamthewitch says

    Goodness! The amount of FOOD! And bubbly! I'm surprised you're still sober enough to write this post. LOL!

  7. PureGlutton says

    Hi Naveen, thanks for dropping by πŸ™‚ The pleasure was entirely mine – such a lovely brunch we had!

  8. PureGlutton says

    Witch: Thanks for visiting – lovely meeting u the other day! I'd be in big trouble if i was still not sober after a week, LOL!

  9. vialentino says

    really nice champagne indeed …lovely way to go with the foods there … the price looks reasonable and not too exp…thought it will be rm 500 per pax….

    posted the one world hotel review…nice to meet u there…

  10. Shaun Lee says

    The Champagne brunch does sound like very good value for money (so long as you drink at least a bottle's worth of Mumm's!)

    How did you guys find the ambience of this place though? I had dinner there some time back and honestly, it didn't quite do it for me. The restaurant feels small, the shape's funny, decor's not impressive, and the tiles on the floor really bothered me.

  11. PureGlutton says

    Shaun: Hi, thanks for dropping by πŸ™‚ Yes, the brunch is good value-for-money if you are an ardent champagne drinker. Hmmm… I'm sorry to hear that you didn't like Prego's interior much! It was OK for me πŸ™‚

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