October must be my lucky month. In that one month alone, I had two encounters with the one and only Michelin-starred celebrity chef Gary Rhodes from the UK. If you have read my earlier post on the special dinner inspired by Gary Rhodes in Hilton Kuala Lumpur, then this charming English chef would be no stranger. On the invitation from our national carrier, Malaysia Airlines Berhad, I was privileged to have a closer encounter with Gary Rhodes, a few days after that dinner. This time it was at … [Read more...]
Dinner by Heston Blumenthal
One of the highlights of my London trip a couple of months ago is my dinner at Dinner by Heston Blumenthal. Listed as No.7 on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2015 coupled with Heston’s status as a celebrity chef, it isn't surprising that bookings at this 2 Michelin-starred restaurant is almost always full months ahead. I booked our table 2 months before my trip and could only get a 9pm slot for dinner during the 10 days I was in London. Opened in 2011, the dishes served here are inspired by … [Read more...]
10 things you should know when visiting London for the 1st time
There’s always a first time. For anything and everything. So, recently I went to London and Paris, for the first time. It was a trip DL and I talked about for a long time but never got round to doing it, until a few months ago when several airlines were rigorously promoting their special offers for tickets to some cities in Europe, London being one of them. Once our tickets were purchased, I had to plan the itinerary. I didn't want a rigid plan as we wanted to have a relaxed time on … [Read more...]
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