This is just a short post, peeps!
While looking through my photo archives, I realised I haven’t posted about the little BBQ we had at home some weeks back.
I tried my hand making Satay – pork and chicken ones – and they turned out like these…
There’re some pork ribs grilling there, too…
… and more satays…
Wooo… these are sinful slabs of pork belly which were marinated with nam yue (red fermented beancurd) … I can tell you they were absolutely delish!
…and we had Teriyaki Chicken Wings as well…
Errhmm… I forgot to take pics of the grilled-and-ready-to-makan wings because I was too busy after that…lol!
This was how the ribs looked like before they were grilled… marinated & ready to flame!
We had lamb shoulders too… and good ole vegetables, of course!
That’s all… hmmm…. shall we have another BBQ soon? *wink*
Happy weekend, all!
I have been craving for BBQ for weeks!!!!
i love a good old session of BBQ, but cant risk having sore throat and fever at this time!
dun wanna be quarantined at the local facilities!
BBQ sounds great but the weather is unrelenting, no? 🙁
ohh yes..BBQ! And i actaully dont mind doing the grilling!
bbq satay is super nice…take less time compare to chicken wings…
Lok-Lok Party? 😛 your spread looks absolutely delish!
i could smell the nam yue wafting from the grill!!!
P.Pea: When u go to Melbn, i'm sure u wil hv lots of BBQ there – it's a national pastime there, lol!
J2Kfm: Drink lots of leong-sui la 🙂
LFB: Ya, tat's the one thing that deters BBQ here – you'll be soaking with sweat the whole time!
nomad: sure ah? OK, u will have the honour of being the Chief Griller then!
SimpleGirl: Ya, very easy to grill and fuss-free eating!
Unka: Lok-lok is different ler – use boiling water! BBQ uses charcoal – but both also very sweat-inducing one! Will hv a good workout with these, man!
babe_kl: Wow, really huh? Ya, nam yue is rather pungent, hehe!
Ooh the satays are popping!! Did you marinade this from scratch?? How awesome!
550ml: Yeah, it was pretty easy to prepare the marinade – just pound together a myriad of stuff, hehe!
wow did you really made those Satays?
They look as tasty like the one i bring on the street